Is Your Microsoft 365 Being Backed Up?
Your business and personal files could both be jeopardized if you use Microsoft 365 and don’t back it up. You could lose everything in the blink of an eye! Whether it’s a natural disaster that wipes out your internet for a week, or a cyber attack that targets your company, you want to make sure you have everything in your computer systems backed up and protected.
It’s very important to work with a highly reliable IT services firm that works with Microsoft cloud solutions every single day. This IT company should also understand the importance of data backup and recovery, so you can have all your work and files protected. If your expertise is in banking or textiles, let your experts run your company. Hire an IT company that has expertise in backing up systems, so you can rest easy knowing your files are safe.
Is Your Data Backed up?
Believe it or not, many people assume their files are backed up, which leads to a nightmare situation when disaster does strike. Many small to large companies are using 365 products. If they aren’t backed up, you could be vulnerable to an attack. Oftentimes, many people don’t even know if your services are backed up. Microsoft 365 doesn’t make it easy to back up its files, and many companies just assume a backup is built-in when it’s actually not.
This leaves a lot of companies shaking their heads when they ultimately lose everything in a cyber attack! Don’t be one of them. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Imagine if you could prevent that gut-wrenching feeling of having all your data exposed to a ransomware attack? You can indeed prevent it!
Using a Third Party Solution
Using a third party solution to back up your files is important. This gives you peace of mind that you aren’t trusting one company (Microsoft) with everything. While Microsoft 365 is very reliable and is a good replacement option for on-premise exchange servers and other file servers. That said, the challenge is the licensing.
There is only a 30 day retention period built in to Microsoft 365. And, SharePoint is only backed up every 12 hours with just a 14 day retention period. This is not much time and means you are at risk of losing everything on your Sharepoint drives unless you back everything up using a third party system.
Think of a third party system as an insurance policy. Even if Microsoft 365 was as amazing and efficient as a Lamborghini, you would still take out insurance on that superstar of a car. The same holds true for Microsoft 365. Backing up your files acts as an insurance policy. You also wouldn’t insure your own car or pay the manufacturer of the car to insure it. There’s a reason you use a third party for insurance, and it’s the same reason you should for your IT backup needs. Hire an expert to do the job right!
Don’t Use Your Recycle Bin
Some people actually use their recycling bin as a way of backing up files. Do NOT do this! That bin is just there in case you accidentally delete a file and want to grab it back before it is deleted forever. It is not designed as a backup solution for your files. You will find out the hard way if you rely on the recycling bin to try to back up and secure your data. Once the data is gone, it’s gone!
Using your recycling bin as a backup for your data is just one mistake you can make. The other big mistake is not doing anything at all! The biggest problem with backing up data is assuming it’s done or assuming that you don’t need to do it because disaster will never strike. You want to be the guy prepared! Not the guy scrambling when disaster strikes.
Think about it this way – if it’s a natural disaster that knocks you out, maybe a flood knocks out your IT room, wouldn’t you rather focus your efforts on making sure your employees are safe from the disaster without having to worry about your IT room and files that could be easily recovered?
If you Lose Your Data, It’s Gone
Your company likely deals with thousands of emails a day and you might use Sharepoint as a way of sharing important files across the corporation. Do you have a plan if those files are lost? Think of all the ways you could lose files – a cyber attack, ransomware attack, or a natural disaster could strike and wipe out your servers for a period of time.
Don’t be that person who wishes he backed up his files. It really is a disaster when you lose everything. How will you build your business backup? How will you regain the trust in the customers you lose? What if your customers’ personal information is in files that are corrupted in a cyberattack? That could destroy your brand’s reputation. Fortunately, if you plan ahead, it’s not hard to get all this information protected. In the event of an attack or a natural disaster, you can then rest easy knowing your company will easily recover all its data and files.
Safeguarding Is Up To You!
You need a robust backup solution to properly safeguard your Microsoft 365 data. Our team has the perfect solution to protect your data. Not only that, if disaster does strike, we can recover a key person’s email or SharePoint data.
It is up to you to take that first step and reach out to the right third party to help you. After that, we can take it from there. Don’t wait another day and risk losing all your key information and emails!
What next?
It’s imperative to get everything on Microsoft 365 backed up today! Reach out and contact us at Schilling IT and protect your business from all the cyber threats and ransomware threats out there. Don’t leave your networks open to ransom or cyber-attacks!
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